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DSK Guitars Steel

January 25th, 2012Romplers (real instruments) Virtual Instruments29 Comments »

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Features and download:

– High expressive and dynamics sounds
– Clean and very simply GUI



  1. Hadi says:

    سلام – وی اس تی خوبیه
    Hi, VSTi good

    The Iranian

  2. NADR^OJ says:

    ooh my good that is great and thank you soooo much

  3. Spyro says:


  4. Anonimo says:

    😀 it’s great! thanks!

  5. daniel says:

    Intresting sound, can’t wait to try this in a song

  6. david Weddle says:

    Wow what a wonderful plug in.. it’s great. Thank you for making it.
