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DSK mini DRUMZ 2

January 25th, 2012Drums Virtual Instruments21 Comments »

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Features and download:

Vintage drum machines rompler.

version 2 features:
– All sounds fixed and levels corrected
– All sounds mapped in GM Midi standard
– New extra layer to load external kits (sf2)
– Midi channel selector for each layer
– Add amp. envelope and limiter
– Filters improved
– Midi automation fixed
– 20 classic drum machines kits



  1. Peter says:

    Thank you very very very much for this, keep up the good work man.

  2. Amori says:

    thank you man…
    the DSK sounds great….

  3. Perca says:

    Hi, When using Magix Samplitude Music Studio the Rhythm boxes do not change also the pictures (in the square) stays the same when selecting another instrument. I.e. when choosing Korg DDD1 the picture doesn’t change – the sound is. But still great sounds!!

    The original (version 1) of your drums is working ok.

  4. Rick Engler says:

    Just testing out Kristal

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