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DSK Music Box

June 18th, 2012Romplers (real instruments) Virtual Instruments127 Comments »

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Features and download:

– Beautiful old music box sound
– No parameters! Just a little toy 😉



  1. Gabriele says:

    Bellissimo sito!
    E’ il miglior carillon che mi sia capitato di ascoltare, veramente notevole!
    L’ho usato per la Ninna Nanna che ho composto per mio figlio Matteo 😉
    Mille Grazie!
    Beautiful site!
    It ‘s the best music box that I’ve heard, really impressive!
    I’ve used it for Ninna Nanna that I made for my son Matthew;)
    Thank you very much!

  2. xavier says:

    much appreciated ….God blessed

  3. V4 says:

    Unfortunately does not work with Darkwave. 🙁

  4. Ruvi says:

    woooooooow this is the best vst website i have seen. and i appreciate your team for giving free tools.. but i have not big money, if i have credit card, 100% sure i give you.. well done well done

  5. edefakiel says:

    You are the best free vst creator. Thank you, keep working please. So glad to work with your tools 😉

  6. Thanks for your free instruments, always useful, always good quality.
