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DSK SoundFx vol. 1

June 1st, 2022Mac News Romplers (real instruments) Synths Virtual Instruments6 Comments »

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Features and download:

Sound Fx bank from nature, people, machines…
Helps to create intro for your beats or compositions.

Ideal for Lo-fi or other electronic genres.

– 32 Sound Fx, featuring vinyls, thunders, waves, people…
– Level contol
– Midi automation
– Win and Mac compatible (32 & 64 bits VST, VST3 and AU)


Download DSK SoundFx vol. 1:


  1. Changing the world through music

  2. Captain Philip says:

    I began music production a year ago and I was so limited especially wanting to make an orchestra fill songs until I got hold of your products. These are amazing plugins and it makes me feel like a pro already while working on songs productions. Smilessss
    So I want to say a BIG Thank You so very much Indeed for making these plugins available for use.

  3. User says:

    All DSK plugins are great. I discovered recently how to use them well. the Dynamic Guitarz is amazing

  4. 李伟 says:


  5. For many years long I’ve been using DSK VST’s and I’m so grateful for this developer. It has helped a lot for all this time and I know that it will be going happening. Thank you, thank you very much for all your effort.

  6. Mzwa says:

    Thanks, I’m looking forward to playing this and having some experimental fun.
